
About the Magazine

Dhaka Opinion Magazine is a global opinion-only magazine. The magazine started its journey unofficially in November 2021 and officially in February 2022. The magazine publishes Articles, Commentaries, Editorial Views and Letters (Editor’s Letter and Letters to Editor). But the magazine publishes with the aim to help develop, address and solve social, economic, political, educational, environmental, public health, cultural, international affairs and other problems, challenges and concerns of different countries that can in turn help realize human potentials in different countries across the world. At present, the well-aimed magazine has the online version only. But there is a plan to publish a printed version of the magazine on a monthly basis very soon.

The magazine publishes on a variety of topics: social, political, economic, environmental, public health, religious, cultural, international relations and more. But the magazine clearly differs from many other magazines in that it mainly publishes analytical opinions, not the news, so that effective efforts can be taken by the relevant authorities to address concerns, flaws or problems in different countries around the world. In addition, the global magazine clearly differs from other opinion based magazines because it publishes analytic opinions focusing on various social issues, problems or challenges from the lens of constructive criticism and provides suggestions or opinions for addressing challenges, improving conditions and resolving problems in social, economic, political, public health and other aspects in different countries of the world.

Even if the well-aimed magazine employs a constructive lens in its publications of articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters, it stands out as an independent global magazine. Additionally, the magazine neither publishes mere criticism nor does it target any person, group, party and nation as they lead to flawed or ineffective analytic suggestions or opinions. But it appreciates and publishes criticism to the extent required for analytic suggestions or opinions on various problems or challenges intending for the genuine development of diverse societal conditions across the world. The magazine reflects responsibleness in its publications since it publishes with its good aim.

The magazine, moreover, does not publish analytic opinions that are flattery, since it hinders from providing the desirable analytic suggestions, solutions or opinions needed for genuinely improving social, economic, political and other conditions across the world. At present, the well-aimed global magazine provides access to four-fifths of its publications free of cost. But it definitely values its readers from around the world. It has the policy to provide full free access to its publications in the near future.

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