Suicide is rising in Lesotho, leading to concerns. According to multiple sources including the BBC and CNN, the suicide rate has been on the rise in Lesotho for years. The rising suicide rate in Lesotho — around ninety deaths in every 100000 people (almost 10 times the global average) which is the highest of all countries — not only leads to the loss of valuable lives of more people but also brings economic, social and other impacts in Lesotho, which has been facing economic and other challenges for decades. Without strengthened efforts, it may be difficult to successfully fight the worsening suicide in Lesotho, which has its own unique set of stressors and difficulties.

It is notable that there are economic, social and other reasons for the rise in suicide, rendered a clear indication of a mental health crisis, in Lesotho. Poverty, less economic opportunities, the abuse of drugs and alcohol, domestic violence and grief and loss brought about by the AIDS pandemic are some of the crucial causes. Many young people (around 17 percent) are unemployed in Lesotho, leading to hopelessness. Additionally, and importantly, mental health problems, limited mental health counseling services and a lack of accessibility worsen the situation of suicide in the country. Among others, the breakdown of traditional society and cultural stigmas surrounding seeking help for mental health services also contribute to the worsening suicide crisis in Lesotho, a landlocked country.

The government of Lesotho has taken mental health service-based, economic opportunity-oriented and other steps to address suicide that has been helping bring positive outcomes. The government has recently increased mental health counseling services and their accessibility, improved mental health resources in rural areas and increased training for healthcare professionals on suicide prevention, leading to an increase in receiving mental health services in Lesotho. In addition to the government, non-government organizations including Help Lesotho provide diverse crisis support services to address suicide. Among others, diverse government and other initiatives have been helping address various root causes including limited economic opportunities in Lesotho, where about one-fourth of citizens live in extreme poverty, and mental health campaigns have been raising awareness.

But there are various limitations in the suicide prevention steps in Lesotho, leading to limited outcomes. The efforts are less in addressing the rising suicide in Lesotho. Mental health is still less emphasized and providing effective mental health services for those who are more vulnerable to suicide still remains low, despite the worsening situation of suicide. There also remains a shortage of mental health services and limited government steps in addressing various root causes including economic causes, resulting in limited mental health resources and support services for many. Among others, initiatives are less to address the stigma surrounding mental health issues that makes many people afraid.

But steps need to be strengthened to address suicide in Lesotho. For this, the government of Lesotho needs to realize the rising suicide and the importance of addressing it. Formulating and implementing a national mental health response strategy, making mental health services more accessible and building resilience can help reduce suicide in Lesotho. But addressing the root causes with steps including providing increased economic opportunities is important to reduce suicide — remarkably. Along with the role of the government, the strengthened steps of non-government organizations are also vital in addressing suicide.

Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine

The Chief Editor

The Chief Editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is Amir M Sayem. He is also an author, researcher and commentator on miscellaneous issues including social, political, environmental, public health and international relations. He writes with an intention to help develop societal conditions across countries.

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