Subscription, Refund and Donation Policy

Thank you for your subscription and donation to Dhaka Opinion Magazine, a global opinion magazine. The magazine provides free access to almost all of its published contents to everyone around the world as it aims to help improve/address/mitigate social, economic, educational, political, environmental, public health, technological, cultural, international affairs and other conditions/problems/challenges across the world. Moreover, the well-aimed magazine that talks about all of you may provide full free access to all of its contents in the future. Your support of the magazine through subscriptions and/or donations is highly appreciated.

The following describes the Subscription, Refund and Donation Policy of the magazine in detail. Before you subscribe and donate to the magazine, you need to carefully read the subscription and donation policy. If you are not satisfied with your subscription for any reason whatsoever, the Magazine invites you to carefully review the refund policy that describes your right to cancel your subscription and associated conditions.


The paid subscription to the magazine (accessible at will give you unlimited access to all of its contents. There are three options for subscriptions such as Monthly (Basic plan), Half-yearly (Silver plan) and Yearly (Diamond plan). But all subscribers need to subscribe for at least one month to get access. Any subscriber can subscribe for up to one rear at a time. The magazine has separate paid subscription rates for Bangladesh and other countries. The subscription rate is made considering a wide range of audiences across countries since the magazine aims at helping to develop societal conditions across countries. The monthly subscription rate for Bangladesh is only 250 BDT, while the monthly rate for a global subscription is only 4.0 US Dollars.


Once your subscription date is expired you will be unable to get access to the contents of Dhaka Opinion Magazine. To continue reading the magazine without any interruption you need to renew your subscription before your existing subscription expires. The subscription rate will remain the same if you renew your subscription. You will be automatically reminded of the expiration date of your subscription. But the existing subscription is fully served before the new subscription starts.


You are entitled to cancel your subscription to the Magazine at any time you want. But your refund will be based on the end of the month at which you canceled your subscription and you will get the money back for the rest of the months you subscribed for. The magazine will use the same means of payment as you used for the subscription and you will not incur any fees for such reimbursement. Notably, the cancellation of your subscription does not necessarily stop you from your subscription later. Once you renew your subscription, you will be able to get re-access to the magazine.

In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you need to inform the magazine of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform the magazine of your decision and reason at:


Anyone from any country can donate to Dhaka Opinion Magazine. Donations will facilitate providing free access to nearly all the content of the magazine to everyone across the world. Otherwise saying, your donations mean increased access for readers to the contents of the magazine. The amount of donation depends on donors. But the amount should not be less than five dollars. Notably, donated money may not be given back to donors, if donors want their donations back for any reason. You can donate to the magazine once or several times.

Dhaka Opinion Magazine reserves the right to revise the subscription, refund and donation policy for any reason at any time. In addition, the magazine reserves the right to reject subscriptions at any time without giving any reason.

If you have any questions about the Subscription, Refund and Donation Policy, please contact the magazine at:

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