Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I submit articles, commentaries and letters to Dhaka Opinion Magazine?

You can create an account and submit articles and commentaries for publication. Also, you can directly send an email and attach articles, commentaries and letters to the editor to

Who can write to Dhaka Opinion Magazine?

Anyone from any country in the world can write articles, commentaries and letters to the editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine maintaining an international standard. It is notable that international standard needs to be maintained not only in the content but also in the analysis of articles and commentaries. To Dhaka Opinion Magazine, your writing is important, not your professional designation or expertise, even if the magazine appreciates and encourages for analytic views of experts and professionals.

Are authors charged for publishing articles?

No, Dhaka Opinion Magazine does not charge authors for the publication of their opinion articles.

Is Dhaka Opinion Magazine an international/global magazine?

Yes, Dhaka Opinion Magazine is a global  magazine. It is global in the sense that it takes account of various social, economic, political and other problems across the world and publishes articles for the improvement of different conditions across the world. Moreover, interested authors from any country of the world can submit articles for publication in the Magazine.

Why is Dhaka Opinion Magazine an opinion magazine?

Dhaka Opinion Magazine is an opinion magazine because it publishes analytic opinions on different social, economic and other problems across countries. It does not cover news such as sports news, national news, cultural news, or international news, although the magazine publishes articles, commentaries, editorial views and editor’s letters that are analytic opinions of different problems, challenges and concerns that are broadcast in television channels, published in newspapers and appeared in other publications.

Does Dhaka Opinion Magazine provide less emphasis on facts and events?

No. Not at all. Since the Dhaka Opinion Magazine is not a news magazine or does not publish news, it may seem that it provides less emphasis on facts and events. But the magazine publishes opinion articles that reflect analysis of facts, news, or events. Moreover, there is an option for directly publishing facts, news, or events in the magazine. Anyone from any country can send a ‘Letter to Editor’ within 400-500 words describing facts or events, along with seeking and suggesting remedial measures from concerned authorities.

How can I subscribe to Dhaka Opinion Magazine?

You can subscribe to the magazine on the subscription page. There are several subscription options such as instant, monthly and yearly.

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