Submission Guidelines

Anyone wishing to publish Articles, Commentaries and Letters to the Editor in Dhaka Opinion Magazine, a global opinion magazine, can submit through the email address mentioned on the contact page. The magazine receives analytical and opinionated Articles and Commentaries on a variety of topics: social, economic, political, environmental, health/public health, religious, cultural, geopolitical/international relations and more. In addition to Articles, Commentaries and Letters to the Editor, the magazine publishes Editorial Views and Editor’s Letters. While Editorial Views are written by the Editorial Team while Editor’s Letters are written by the Chief Editor and Publishing Editor.

The magazine focuses on quality content and language in its publications. A combination of thought-provoking and persuasive styles is suggested in the writing. But the language must be clear, accessible and explanatory. Also, a brief explanation of concepts used in the articles and commentaries is recommended for clear understanding and improved readability. Of course, authors need to provide authentic data or information and make clear arguments whenever needed. In sensitive cases, authors are required to provide the source(s) of data or information within the articles and commentaries. The magazine does not use footnotes and references and avoids statistical tables, bars, graphs, or figures. The magazine also avoids personal attacks (ad hominem arguments).

All the submitted articles, commentaries and letters to the editor are subject to editing. If necessary, a copy of the edited version of the accepted articles, commentaries and letters to the editor may be provided to authors before publication. It may take 3 to 4 days for publication if your submissions are publishable. But the magazine strongly encourages authors to read one or more of its articles, commentaries, or letters to the editor before submission depending on the type of submission. Authors are encouraged to consider the following before submissions.

Submission of Articles

Analytic and opinion articles should be written on various societal issues across countries. But authors need to write suggestions in one or more paragraphs to address given problems or challenges in their articles. Of course, many authors of opinionated articles sometimes prefer to provide suggestions in an indirect manner. The magazine prefers direct and content specific suggestions or opinions in their submitted articles.

Submission of Commentaries

Commentaries can be written on books, periodical articles (including journal articles and newspaper articles), legal, policy, or other documents or statements. Notably, the magazine does not receive books for review and publication. The authors of books are responsible for reviewing their books and submitting review articles to the editor for publication. Of course, the Chief Editor and the Publishing Editor may receive some books for review at the request of the authors depending on the merits of the books, have them reviewed and can publish as book commentaries. However, the magazine is selective in this case. In most cases, the magazine prefers analytical books on social, economic political, environmental, health, religion, culture and other societal aspects. Commentaries on fiction and poetry books are less preferred by the Magazine.

Submission of Letters to the Editor

The content of the letter to the editor is extensive. The Magazine prefers that letters to the editor are based on real problems (social, economic, political, and others), facts, or events. But the authors of the letters to the editor should be authentic in terms of the information or facts they mention in their letter to the editor, as their own responsibility. It is notable that the magazine has no policy to investigate or verify whether the facts or events mentioned in the letters to the editor are correct. Moreover, authors need to shortly include a few suggestions in the last paragraph of the letters to the editor.

All articles should be in 12-point type and single spaced. The author’s name, address, email address and professional designation should be included at the top of the submitted articles. Authors should also attach or send a photograph with the articles. Photographs need to be sent by authors of articles and book reviews. But in the case of a Letter to the Editor, a photograph of the author is not needed as the photograph is not included in this type of publication. The Word count for articles ranges from 1000 to 1500. But word count ranges from 800-1200 for commentaries and 300-500 (preferably, 400-500) for the Letters-to-the-Editor. Depending on the importance of the content, the magazine may accept up to 2000 and 1500 words for articles and commentaries respectively.

Individuals, governments, or organizations are often given credits/praised for their works or acts in opinionated articles, commentaries and letters. Of course, individuals, authorities, or organizations can be given credit in the articles, commentaries and letters whenever needed and it is appreciated in the magazine too. However, no individual, government, or organization should be flattered or over-praised. It is the magazine’s perception that flattery or excessive praise can obscure the real cause and facts, intentionally or unintentionally, and compromise the quality of the analysis. The magazine has a policy of not publishing articles, commentaries and letters that are flattery or overly complimentary.

All authors, especially those who submit articles, commentaries or letters via email, must send a cover letter with their opinion articles, commentaries, and letters to the editor. In the cover letter, the usage of ‘Dear Editor’ or ‘Dear Publishing Editor’ is suggested, not anything else. The magazine accepts email submissions with Doc and/or Docx files. Of course, Dhaka Opinion Magazine strongly encourages all authors to read one or more of its articles, commentaries and letters before submission. You can find some free articles, commentaries and letters from the magazine to read.

Authors should submit articles, commentaries and letters to the editor that have not been published elsewhere. It may not be possible to respond to all authors, although the magazine has a policy for responding to all authors once a decision is made on the submission. If you wish to submit your articles, commentaries or letters elsewhere within a week of the submission to Dhaka Opinion Magazine, please send a note. If you do not receive an email within one week of the submission confirmation email, you may assume that your submissions will not be published in the magazine. Then, you are free to submit your articles and/or commentaries elsewhere after one week.

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