The killing of humanitarian aid workers in Gaza has raised concerns. Humanitarian aid workers are being repeatedly killed in Gaza. According to multiple sources including the BBC and CNN, while seven humanitarian aid workers were killed by an Israeli strike last week, at least 196 humanitarian workers have so far been killed in the West Bank and Gaza since the beginning of the Gaza war in October last year. The international food charity World Central Kitchen — responsible for around 60 percent of non-governmental aid deliveries to the Gazans — has by this time suspended its operations in response to the killing of its humanitarian aid workers amidst the food crisis in war-affected Gaza.

The Gaza war, which has so far killed around 35 thousand, has definitely led to an immense humanitarian crisis including the food crisis in Gaza, where more than two million people live, driven by several factors including cutting-off land corridors of aid, attacks on humanitarian workers and putting restrictions on aid operations in some parts of the enclave. According to multiple sources, the food crisis is worsening since Israel imposed severe constraints on humanitarian efforts and its actions deterred critical aid agencies. Half of the population is on the brink of starvation and famine is projected to arrive within March-May in the north of Gaza where around 300,000 people have been taking a meager amount of food since January this year.

But due to Israeli strikes and other causes including restrictions, several humanitarian aid organizations including Anera, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, the vital humanitarian aid supplier to Gaza, and the US-based Project Hope, along with the WCK, either have suspended/curtailed or are planning to suspend/curtail their humanitarian operations in Gaza, affecting humanitarian aid deliveries. If humanitarian aid workers are continually attacked by Israel and international humanitarian organizations stop or curtail their operations in Gaza, the humanitarian crisis including the food crisis will increase further, though food is now delivered through the air-drop and sea corridor, which is helping reduce the food crisis somewhat.

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It is definitely desired that the killing of humanitarian aid workers be ended. The positive side is that Israel has sacked two senior officers who carried out the attack on the WCK in Gaza. But Israel needs to do a lot to refrain from attacking aid convoys and killing humanitarian aid workers. The risk of further killing of humanitarian aid workers remains. Providing a security guarantee for humanitarian aid workers in Gaza is imperative not only to help them work without any fear but also to prevent the food crisis. For this, the good intentions of the parties involved, especially Israel, along with international steps, are definitely vital.

But the delivery of humanitarian aid including food needs to be ensured in Gaza. Though the airdrop and sea corridor are playing crucial roles in providing aid to the Gazans, they are not enough at all. Aid deliveries through land corridors are also imperative to avoid any catastrophic famine in Gaza — especially North Gaza. The optimistic side is that Israel has approved the opening of two humanitarian routes into Gaza such as the Erez Gate in northern Gaza and Ashdod Port. In addition to international steps, the good intentions of Israel are also vital to allow more flow of humanitarian aid.

Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine

The Chief Editor

The Chief Editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is Amir M Sayem. He is also an author, researcher and commentator on miscellaneous issues including social, political, environmental, public health and international relations. He writes with an intention to help develop societal conditions across countries.

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