Election violence is a crucial problem in the world. According to multiple sources including the BBC, election violence occurs in many countries in Asia, Africa and other regions. Very recently, election violence has taken place in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Additionally, election violence has occurred in many other countries including, but not limited to, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria and the Philippines, though the extent and nature of it often vary. But election violence — acts of violence that occur during electoral processes — not only undermines the elections in terms of voter suppression and a loss of trust in the electoral system but also often brings many other negative outcomes including deaths in different countries, leading to concerns.

Diverse factors lead to election violence. Political tensions and power struggles among political parties and elites, or the intense competition between political parties or candidates for power, create a hostile ground where violence becomes a means to intimidate opponents and gain an advantage. Vying for power often leads to election violence in different countries including Bangladesh. Additionally, the lack of strong institutions, ineffective governance, weak law enforcement and electoral manipulations lead to election violence in different countries. Among others, ethnic and religious tensions create a volatile ground where competition for political power and resources escalates into violence. While the 2018 elections in Zimbabwe led to election violence due to electoral manipulations, the 2007 Kenyan presidential election resulted in widespread violence due to allegations of fraud and ethnic tensions.

Governments take diverse steps to prevent election violence, which occurs before, during and after the elections. Governments implement strict laws and regulations to deter groups and individuals from engaging in violent activities during elections in many countries. Among others, some governments establish specialized task forces or security units involving the military that are solely dedicated to monitoring and preventing violence during elections. Though such efforts reduce the occurrences of election violence in many countries, they are not effective many times as there are different flaws including an inadequate enforcement of existing laws, a lack of transparency in electoral processes and insufficient measures to address grievances and ensure fair representation in different countries.

Photo credit: https://www.bbc.com/.

Peaceful elections are definitely desired always. But for this, steps are needed to address the causes of election violence. Implementing strong legal frameworks and regulations is vital for preventing electoral violence. The close works of law enforcement agencies with political parties and community leaders may be helpful in promoting peaceful elections in many settings. But strengthening the election process — the lack of which undermines trust in the electoral process and fosters a sense of impunity among perpetrators — is also crucial to preventing election violence in many countries. Promoting civic awareness of tolerance and a culture of peaceful participation in elections can help mitigate election violence in many settings.

But addressing grievances including political, the lack of which often leads to election violence in many countries, is also crucial to successfully prevent election violence. Encouraging dialogue and collaboration among political parties, civil society organizations and government institutions may be helpful in addressing underlying grievances in many countries. International steps can play a crucial role in resolving conflicts/political problems, providing technical assistance and monitoring elections to ensure fair and peaceful electoral processes in many countries.

Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine

The Chief Editor

The Chief Editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is Amir M Sayem. He is also an author, researcher and commentator on miscellaneous issues including social, political, environmental, public health and international relations. He writes with an intention to help develop societal conditions across countries.

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