To Whom It May Concern,

There are some canals in Dhaka that are illegally grabbed and/or are being narrowed due to illegal grabbing by influential elites including political leaders and businessmen. Moreover, according to available sources, a considerable amount of land, both government and private, and a significant portion of rivers and lakes in and around Dhaka city are illegally occupied by powerful elites. Of course, it is difficult to say the number of lands, canals, lakes and rivers are illegally grabbed in Dhaka city because of lack of data. The lack of exact information exists especially in the illegal grabbing of private lands. But illegal grabbing is not only putting a challenge to making Dhaka a modern and livable city but also depriving many from their own lands and leading to deaths of weaker owners.

 Of course, many groups or persons are responsible for the illegal grabbing of lands, canals, lakes and rivers in Dhaka. But powerful political leaders, local powerful elites and businessmen are mainly responsible for illegal grabbing. Moreover, the concerned authorities are also involved with illegal grabbing. Indeed, it is difficult for powerful political, business and other elites to make required documents without any roles from concerned government agencies. But the regretful aspect is that the issue of illegal grabbing is insufficiently focused. This is probably because of the power of so-called illegal grabbers and the interests of the concerned authorities in the city, which could be made more livable and beautiful with planned development given that illegal grabbing is stopped and illegally grabbed lands, canals, lakes and rivers are recovered.

Notably, some efforts have been made to recover government lands, private lands, rivers, ponds and lakes in the city. For example, the Hatirjheel Lake was revived and roads around it were constructed with the recovery of illegally occupied lands. Moreover, the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority recovered a considerable amount of land from the bank of the Buriganga River with special drives irregularly operated for several years. These are praiseworthy efforts. Besides, city corporations carry out some recovery drives occasionally. But efforts are meager compared to the amount of land, rivers, canals and lakes grabbed illegally in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.

Thus, the recovery of illegally grabbed lands, lakes, canals and rivers is important not only for making the city more livable and planned but also for providing lands to actual owners. Of course, to recover illegally occupied lands, ponds, rivers and lakes in Dhaka, more efforts are needed. In this respect, it is desired that effective measures are taken by concerned authorities. If needed, the military can also be engaged in the recovery process. Also, the social movement against illegal occupation can be very effective to prevent illegal grabbing in Dhaka city.

Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine

The Chief Editor

The Chief Editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is Amir M Sayem. He is also an author, researcher and commentator on miscellaneous issues including social, political, environmental, public health and international relations. He writes with an intention to help develop societal conditions across countries.

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