To Whom It May Concern,
The Russia-Ukraine, which began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has been going on for more than five months. Besides, sanctions and counter sanctions have been given since the start of the war, Unprecedented economic and other sanctions and counter sanctions were already imposed by the West against Russia and Russia against the west respectively. Sanctions and counter sanctions led to enormous effects not only in Russia and western countries but also in many other countries in economic and other terms.
By this time, thousands of people have died, millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, factories have been destroyed and industrial works have stopped in Ukraine. Moreover, sanctions and counter sanctions caused trouble for the business of Russia, western countries and other countries, increased inflation in many countries, led to food shortages in some countries, reduced the supply of oil and gas and brought many other negative consequences around the world. Given that the war, along with sanctions and counter sanctions, continues, the devastating consequences can easily be understood, not only in Ukraine, Russia and the West but also in other countries. To avert further disastrous consequences, the Russia-Ukraine war, along with sanctions and counter sanctions imposed by the West and Russia, needs to be settled down with talks.
Yet, neither there are convincing efforts to hold talks to end the war nor is there any sign of providing a rethought on sanctions and counter sanctions. No doubt, there were some efforts before the war and talks continued immediately after the beginning of the war. But talks were replaced with increased bombings, military assistance and sanctions and counter-sanctions, which are still continuing. Of course, talks held between Russia and Ukraine, between Russia and some NATO counties including Turkey and among Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the UN Secretary General led to some improvements including the retreat of Russia from Kyiv and the agreement of providing a safe corridor to the shipment of food grains from Ukraine, an initiative that can help to relive food crisis in the world.
Of course, it is desired that the Russia-Ukraine war is ended and acceptable solutions are reached. To end the war, direct talks between Russia and Ukraine are important. Talks between Russia and the West are also imperative to successfully end the war. Moreover, a rethought needs to be given to sanctions and counter sanctions to reach acceptable solutions. Thus, it is further desired that Russia, Ukraine and the West play their roles. But the reflection of the earnestness of the parties is vital as there is a lack of it.
Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine