Cultural exchanges are definitely crucial. Cultural exchanges including, but not limited to, the arrangement of joint artistic collaborations, music festivals, international food festivals and traditional dance performances and the exhibition of movies play a crucial role in promoting understanding and empathy between different countries, bridging cultural divides and promoting cultural diversity, improving relations and tolerance between different conflicting countries and reducing tensions, ultimately leading to a more peaceful world. Many countries — having conflicting or troubled relations — including India and Pakistan, South Korea and Japan and Cuba and the United States have seen improved relations through diverse cultural exchanges. According to multiple sources including newspapers, cultural exchanges are now given emphasis in different countries and communities across the world.
But there are diverse challenges that put hindrances to cultural exchanges in different communities and countries. Barriers to cultural exchanges between countries and communities include political tensions, historical conflicts, social stereotypes, religious differences, a lack of mutual understanding and communication and cultural insensitivity. These barriers hinder the sharing of ideas, traditions and values, ultimately leading to misunderstandings and a lack of cooperation between nations or groups. Cultural exchanges often turn out to be more difficult between different conflicting countries in Asia, Africa and other regions. Among others, language barriers, differences in customs and traditions and ethnocentrism/chauvinistic attitudes hinder effective communication and understanding between different communities and countries, even if different good and mutually respectful cultures can be promoted and mutually beneficial.
Governments, international organizations and others have taken diverse steps to address the barriers and facilitate cultural exchanges. Different countries have established national cultural institutions, built partnerships with the cultural institutions of other countries and promoted cross-cultural understanding, aiming to foster mutual respect, appreciation and collaboration among diverse groups, communities and countries, ultimately enriching societies with a greater sense of interconnectedness. Many countries also provide funding for cultural exchange programs, organize international festivals and events and promote cultural diplomacy through partnerships with other countries. Among others, there are cultural events, including festivals and exhibitions, and platforms for dialogue and collaboration that foster understanding among diverse groups/communities within a country.
But there are policy based, institutional and other loopholes in the steps taken — leading to less impact of cultural exchanges in different countries. There is a lack of diversity in cultural programming and events, inadequate funding and resources allocated to support meaningful cultural exchanges and limited accessibility for marginalized communities to participate in cultural exchange programs in different countries. Among others, there is often an overemphasis on traditional or dominant cultures, neglecting the richness of diverse cultural expressions including good less dominant cultural traditions, and insufficient promotion of cultural opportunities. Among others, there is a lack of cultural collaborations in many countries including between different conflicting countries.
Increased cultural exchanges alone will not bring peace, but they will definitely help improve relations and reduce the chance of tensions and conflicts. It is desired that effective steps be strengthened to address the barriers, facilitate cultural exchanges and promote good and mutually respectful cultural events and activities in different communities and countries including different conflicting communities and countries and can help foster understanding and empathy and create opportunities for people to learn about and appreciate other cultures. The inclusion of cultural attaché may be helpful for many countries. But increased role of inter-governmental and non-government cultural organization is also vital.
Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine