To Whom It May Concern,

There is rising tension in the Korean peninsula. This is because of the joint military drills and missile tests by the United States and South Korea and the repeated tests of missiles and air exercises by North Korea, a self-declared nuclear power. No doubt, the Korean peninsula has been an area of tension for a long but the tests of missiles and military drills noticeably increased in the last decade. While North Korea wants to exert threats to South Korea and the United States, South Korea wants to bolster its defense with military drills and missile tests against North Korea’s threats. It is notable that the relationship between North and South Korea recently started to deteriorate after the launch of anti-North Korean propaganda-filled balloons by South Korea and cutting off all communications lines and demolishing the Inter-Korean Liaison Office in Kaesong by North Korea in June this year.

A relevant aspect is whether rising tension can lead to any military conflict in the region at a time when the Russia-Ukraine war has taken a new turn with several recent developments including the potential for the use of nuclear weapons by Russia and NATO’s declaration for continued weapons support to Ukraine. Such a possibility is lower to nil at this moment. No doubt, tensions in the peninsula were seen earlier too. Besides, no party seems willing to get engaged in any war in the region. But since there is a chance of nuclear attacks by Russia and increased tension between China and Taiwan, any significant wrong acts in the Peninsula can lead to war. Moreover, the escalation of tension can further reduce the chance of improving relations especially between North Korea and South Korea and between North Korea and the United States on which they have increasingly focused in recent years.

Though the possibility of military conflicts is lower between North Korea and South Korea and the United States at this moment, it is desired that there is no escalation of tension into war. To avert any escalation into unintentional conflicts, it is desired that no missile test is carried out over the territory of other countries. It is further desired that sensitive acts including the launch of propaganda-filled balloons by the parties are avoided. No less important is that increased communications, unprovocative drills and tests and sanctions relief may reduce tension in the region and help to improve the relationship among the parties including North and South Korea.

Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine

The Chief Editor

The Chief Editor of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is Amir M Sayem. He is also an author, researcher and commentator on miscellaneous issues including social, political, environmental, public health and international relations. He writes with an intention to help develop societal conditions across countries.

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