The Ukraine war, which started with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, has been going on for more than two years. According to multiple sources including the BBC and CNN, the war that has by this time led to the deaths of more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians and brought many other negative outcomes for both parties. But there is no convincing possibility of ending the war — the largest war in Europe after World War II — as there are neither any peace efforts to end the war at present nor is there any willingness of the parties involved to resolve it with peace talks, leading to uncertainty and concerns.
It is notable that finding a peaceful diplomatic solution to the Ukraine war will be beneficial for both parties and beyond. While Ukraine will be capable of rebuilding its destroyed cities, improving its economic conditions and focusing on other activities beneficial to it in economic, social and other terms, Russia will be able to divert its increased war budget to some economic, social and other aspects which face budget cuts due to the war. Ending the war may also lead to the withdrawal of sanctions and counter-sanctions imposed by the West over Russia and the latter over the former, depending on peace negotiations. Among others, ending the war through peace negotiations may help improve relations between Russia and the West, which lowered after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It is not that peace efforts have not been made to end the war at all. China proposed a twelve-point proposal, the China’s Peace Plan, which could have made some progress in ending the Ukraine war. But it did not see any light and failed to make any notable outcomes because of several reasons. The Peace Plan lacked strong support due to China’s stance favoring Russia and putting importance on giving the war a chance to decide its fate. Several other parties including a number of African countries also made steps and/or expressed willingness to mediate peace. But the African Peace Initiative also failed to carry out any meaningful peace talks because of the lack of support from the parties involved.
Several reasons may put barriers to peace efforts aiming to resolve the Ukraine war further. Territorial issues involving the occupation of Ukraine’s four territories such as Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhya by Russia is a notable barrier. While Russia has expressed its willingness to negotiate for peace keeping four territories as its own territory, Ukraine wants to get back its territories. Additionally, unprecedented sanctions and counter-sanctions imposed may pose some challenges. Among others, geopolitical rivalry between Russia and the West not only played a role in the war and sanctions and counter-sanctions but also can put some hindrances to its political resolution.
The ending of the war has become complicated by this time — definitely. However, it is desired that the Ukraine war be resolved. For this, initiating peace negotiations is vital, even though they face barriers from the parties because of differences in interests and/or any other reasons. Peace efforts may help generate a compromise from the parties involved, increasing the chance of ending the war and reaching peace. But any political/peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war requires the good intentions of the parties including Russia, Ukraine and the United States.
Amir M Sayem
Chief Editor
Dhaka Opinion Magazine