The violation of minority rights — both the individual and collective rights of minorities — is a global problem. Though minority rights are crucial for the economic, social, political and other sorts of wellbeing of minorities, national/ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, the rights of minorities, which take a variety of forms including the right to participate effectively in social, economic, cultural, religious and public life, are violated in many countries in the world. Notably, minority rights, which are based on the recognition that minorities are in a vulnerable situation in comparison to the majority population, do not constitute privileges but are crucial for the deserving income and other opportunities for the members of minorities including ethnic minorities, women and children.

Definitely, minorities in all regions of the world face discrimination, exclusion and marginalization with multiple manifestations, ranging from attacks on religious minorities to systematic exclusion in economic and public life. But the violations of minority rights are not the same across countries. While some countries violate some minority rights, other countries violate some other rights of minorities, though the rights of minorities are violated more in authoritative countries. For instance, the rights of ethnic minorities are violated more in ethnic-driven conflicting countries and the political rights of minorities are violated more in politically authoritative countries. Along with the persecution and planned repression, minorities are marginalized in economic development programs and many other development efforts including peace processes and conflict prevention in many countries.

There are definitely policy based, political, social and other causes that lead to the violations of minority rights in many countries in the world. Discriminatory policies are an important cause of the violations of minority rights in many countries. Attitudes toward minorities, inadequate rule of law and a lack of transparency and accountability are some other important causes of the violation of minority rights. Attitudes toward minorities play a crucial role in making policies disregarding minority rights by the majority group. But the lack of transparency and accountability is crucially responsible for the forced based violations of minority rights in some countries. Ethnic intolerance — among other causes — is an important cause of the violations of minority rights in many multi-ethnic countries.

Global and local efforts have increased to secure minority rights. Minority rights were for the first time formally included within the international legal framework following World War I through the League of Nations’ Minority Treaties. Later, several conventions and declarations including the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities were made. At the national level, there are legislations, policies and programmatic measures to secure minority rights. But the main problem is that conventions, laws and policies are less implemented globally and nationally, leading to the violation of minority rights.

Definitely, minority rights need to be ensured across the world. The causes of the violation of minority rights need to be addressed. But the emphasis also needs to be given to the protection and promotion of national/ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identities and the right to effective participation in economic, social, political and other aspects of the lives of minorities. The implementation of international conventions and national minority rights-related laws and policies is crucial for securing minority rights in many countries. The human rights commission needs to be strengthened. Minority aspects need to be included in development projects. Also, improved transparency and accountability may reduce the violations of many rights of minorities.

But a strong commitment of global and local political leaders is required for securing the economic, social, political and other rights of minorities across the world. Definitely, attitudes towards minorities need to be improved and the exercise of tolerance needs to be given an emphasis at all levels. But the members of the national majority need to respect the rights of minorities. Though the rights of minorities rights need to be secured across the world, the emphasis needs to be given to authoritative countries more. Along with government organizations, the efforts of non-government and other organizations are crucial for securing the rights of minority rights across the world.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of Dhaka Opinion Magazine is comprised of Chief Editor, Publishing Editor and Sub-editors. The views expressed by the Editorial Team are the views of the magazine. But the Editorial Team of the magazine is currently comprised of the Chief Editor.

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