Dhaka Opinion Magazine is a global magazine. The magazine is based in Dhaka but it neither does reflect the views of Dhaka nor does it represent the government of Bangladesh. It is an opinion-only magazine that publishes with the aim to help to develop/improve economic, social, educational, political, environmental, cultural, technological and other conditions across the world. The magazine mainly publishes articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters (both editor’s letters and letters to the editor). It does not cover news rather it publishes opinions on problems that appear in academic publications, research journals, television channels, online and printed newspapers and observations. Since the magazine publishes to help to improve/develop economic, social, political and other conditions across countries, it can play very important roles globally. Â
It is important to note some important aspects of Dhaka opinion magazine. Most importantly, the magazine aims to help to develop social, economic, educational, political, cultural and other conditions across countries around the world. But the magazine does not publish articles, commentaries, editorial views or letters that are mere criticisms, though it publishes criticisms to the extent needed for the analysis of any given problem with an intention to find out ways of improvement. Moreover, the magazine does not publish articles, commentaries, editorial views or letters that reflect flattery or overpraise because overpraise of someone or something can lead to wrong analysis and erroneous or flawed focus on reasons behind any given problem or challenge leading to a compromise to the aim of the well-intended magazine.
Moreover, Dhaka Opinion Magazine seeks solutions to social, economic, political, international affairs and other problems across the world. Of course, it is not the intention to undermine other magazines by saying so but the intention is to say that this is an important aspect of the magazine that makes it unique and more capable of helping to improve /develop social, economic, political and other conditions around the world. The main difference is that this magazine publishes articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters for improving conditions by providing suggestions to address loopholes or barriers. Otherwise saying, the well-intended magazine seeks solutions to problems in social, economic, political or other areas instead of merely discussing problems or challenges, though such discussions have some merits in addressing given problems or challenges.
No less important is that there are some other notable aspects of the magazine that need to be noted. The magazine publishes opinions only rather than the news or happenings around the world. Articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters (editor’s letters and letters to the editor) include opinions in the given area of concern. Though it does not cover the news, it values the news published and broadcast in different electronic and printed media or television channels and uses them as sources for writing articles, commentaries, editorial views and editor’s letters. It is pertinent to note that the magazine sometimes publishes letters from the editor based on observation of the editor especially the Chief Editor and Publishing Editor and such letters reflect opinions.
A relevant aspect can be whether the magazine can help to improve social, economic, political and other conditions across countries. No doubt, the aim and actual outcomes in terms of social, economic and other impacts are different for any magazine in the world. This is because of several reasons including the reach or the number of audiences and the type of the audience of the magazine, the capacity of writers of the magazine, the standard of publications, the ability to influence the concerned authorities, groups or individuals, the extent of the promotional efforts and the intention of the concerned authorizes, groups or individuals to accept and implement solutions provided in the articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters.
The magazine is a recent one and has not yet been promoted enough and reached the intended number of audiences across the world. Moreover, the magazine has not yet been fully made operational, though it has been continuing its publications for around one year. Consequently, the magazine has not yet made remarkable changes in terms of improving social, economic, political and other conditions across countries even if it has impacted at least somewhat. Yet because of several good aspects including the capacity of the magazine in problem solving or concern addressing suggestions based on problems and challenges, there is a high possibility for the magazine in helping to improve social, economic, political and other conditions across the world.
Notably, the audience of the magazine is global. Since the magazine publishes articles, commentaries, editorial views and letters on a wide range of areas, problems and challenges across countries, it focuses on the interests of different regions, nations, or groups of people around the world. Thus, political leaders, religious leaders, students, policy makers, government officials, private and non-government organizations and many others are its audience, even if the number of the audience is not much. Among the audience, policy makers and political leaders can find effective ways or solutions from the magazine that can help to improve or address concerns. Besides, others can be benefitted from its publications in many other ways.
Moreover, the magazine is readers-friendly in terms of financial access and some other aspects. The magazine fixes the subscription rate (4 USD per month) at the cheapest possible extent for full access to its publications. Moreover, the magazine provides access to around fourth–fifths of its publications to everyone across countries without any subscription. It is relevant to note that to facilitate such sort of access, the magazine includes donation options because without such an option the continued publications may be problematic. Besides, the language of publications is easily communicable. The magazine prefers the standard of language in its publications that can facilitate their comprehension to a wide range of audiences across countries rather than any specific group of audience of any single country.
But the magazine needs to continue its publications for helping to develop/improve social, economic, political, cultural and other conditions across countries. For the continuation of its publications, the well-intended magazine, moreover, needs to be made/kept fully operational/functional and to maintain its office. In this respect, the magazine needs to be promoted and get financial support. Notably, the magazine receives financial support through subscriptions (such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly) and donations, detailed in its subscription, donation and refund policy. Since Dhaka Opinion Magazine is a global magazine and publishes on problems and challenges across countries with opinions, you can provide financial support to the magazine from any country around the world. Â