Armed conflicts and political turmoils are common features in the world. Many wars and civil wars including two world wars have occurred so far in the world and many armed conflicts including the Ukraine war and the Yemen civil war are currently occurring. Additionally, political turmoils have happened in many countries. Turmoils in Pakistan, Peru and Sri Lanka are some recent examples of political turmoils. Wars and political turmoils have changed the course of the world. They lead to both positive and negative outcomes. Positively saying, they lead to the reformation of outdated laws, better policies and many other positive outcomes. The development of the world to the current stage is the result of many factors including wars and political turmoils.
Among negative outcomes, their impacts on the economy are definitely enormous —locally, nationally and globally — depending on the extent of wars and political turmoils. Wars and political turmoils lead to the destruction of infrastructure, the loss of human capital and a decline in economic growth. Germany and Japan after World War II, for example, experienced significant destruction and had to rebuild their economies from scratch. Inter-country wars, civil wars and political turmoils also affect the economy with decreased international investment, disrupted trade and commerce and increased government spending on defense and security measures. Wars/civil wars often lead to inflation and currency devaluation and create a strain on resources in neighboring countries and beyond too. The ongoing Ukraine war has impacted the economy with increased inflation in many countries.
Among others, wars and civil wars can result in increased poverty and unemployment rates as resources are diverted toward the war effort instead of being invested in economic development. The long-term consequences of inter-country and civil wars can be felt for generations with hindered economic growth and stability. Iraq faced economic devastation following the Gulf War and subsequent conflicts, leading to a prolonged period of political instability and economic challenges. Even if the impacts of wars are more, political turmoils often lead to notable economic impacts. Political turmoil in Venezuela led to hyperinflation and a severe economic crisis. In Zimbabwe, political turmoil resulted in economic mismanagement and a decline in key industries.

An important question is whether wars and political turmoils can be prevented altogether. It is impossible to completely prevent them, though they can be reduced. It is pertinently notable that there are institutional, diplomatic and other efforts to reduce and solve armed conflicts. There are also institutional and other mechanisms to address political turmoils. Preventive diplomacy helped de-escalate tensions and avert armed conflicts during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Despite the movement, South Africa successfully and finally transitioned from apartheid to democracy through negotiations. Even if efforts work many times, they do not bring the desired outcomes always. The ineffectiveness or inadequacy of efforts, along with political, economic and other causes, is e likely to make it difficult to end wars and political turmoils.
Territorial disputes, competition for resources, ideological differences and power struggles are crucial causes that often lead to wars. The Sino-Indian War between China and India is over border disputes in the Himalayan region. The Six-Day War between Israel and several Arab states was also fueled by territorial disputes over Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Historical grievances, ethnic tensions and economic inequality—among other causes—contribute to the outbreak of armed conflicts and political turmoils in many countries. Additionally, hegemony, intention to remain in power and a lack of rule of law result in political turmoils in many countries. President Nicolás Maduro’s attempts to cling to power despite allegations of election fraud have led to significant political unrest in Venezuela.
Though wars and political turmoils are unlikely to be ended altogether, a reduction is definitely desired. But efforts need to be strengthened to reduce armed conflicts and political turmoils and strengthen economic development across the world. Diplomatic efforts definitely need to be strengthened. The causes of wars and political turmoils also need to be addressed to minimize the chance of their occurrences and reduce their negative economic impacts. But powerful countries and ruling parties have definitely more responsibilities. Addressing the reasoned concerns of the opposition will reduce political turmoils in many countries. Unless the causes of wars, civil wars and political turmoils are addressed, they are likely to continue in the world.